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Vision Initiative / info
SoK [GMT +1] 12/15/2023 4:35 PM

Welcome to the first Vision Initiative Art Contest! vision_bomb

What is Vision Initiative?

Vision Initiative (VI in short) is a BombSquad modding and art initiative. Supported by Square Hair Team (Explodinary's developers).

Art Contest

Our first goal is to encourage as many people to do some nice art as possible by organizing art contests! Each one will have it's own theme every artist needs to follow.


1st place
  • BombSquad Pro or 3000 tickets if the winner already has BS Pro
2nd place
  • 2000 tickets
3rd place
  • 1000 tickets
The winner is selected based on the number of votes. Whose votes, you may ask? The community, of course! Artists may submit their creations on #submissions channel. Community can vote with a ⭐ reaction. In case we have a tie, the deciding vote is made by VI Counselor (@Temp [GMT -6]). If artist votes on his own creation, his vote doesn't count. General rules:
  • No art made entirely by AI allowed
  • No art made by someone else
  • Art has to match the theme
  • No NSFW (gore, r34 stuff etc.)
  • One submission per person Note:
Your creations don't have to be BombSquad related. Get crazy!

The winner will be announced on Saturday, December 23, 2023 3:00 PM

Theme of the first VI Art Contest is: # WINTER
dviperJAMMER 26
ok 12
🏇đŸŋ 3
cutee 6
pepe_sus 1
vision_bomb 2
explode 1
SoK [GMT +1] 12/22/2023 2:56 PM

We're extending the vote to

Monday, December 25, 2023 3:00 PM

due to many submissions popping up now. Let's give those folks more time to gather some votes. We'll make the submitting/voting system better for the next contest to avoid extending it like that again. Merry Christmas!! santa
👍 41
pepe_yes 7
dviperJAMMER 5
spaz_fall 5
true 4
eric_handsup 1
skin_kronk 3
pepe_scam 2
🖕 3
skin_santa 3
vision_bomb 1
SoK [GMT +1] 12/25/2023 3:03 PM

Hello @everyone, and again - Merry Christmas!

All your art pieces were amazing, thanks for submissions! Based on your votes, we have first winners of our VI Art Contest:

1st place: Froshlee14 - Selfie with the Christmas Tree

2nd place: RzoNcik - Santa really has a gift for you

3rd place: Bloopli - A Snowman once said

Check your DMs to receive prizes đŸĨŗ Thank you for participating - hope we get even more submissions for the next contest!
❤ī¸ 50
pepe_cry 9
eric_hmm 7
skin_pascal 8
🇲🇰 3
🇲đŸ‡Ļ 3
skin_mel 7
ℹī¸ 7
Ⓜī¸ 7
🇸 6
đŸ‡Ē 6
🇩 6
😭 5
💖 7
🎃 3
🎄 4
curse 4
👍 6
🖕 3
skin_bear 2
Exported 3 message(s)
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